Starting the Camino

Sunset in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. 

Just getting started up the hill.

Stop at Orisson for café cortado and Spanish tortilla.

Every pilgrim gets a shell (symbol of pilgrimage) and I made a cross along the way with sticks and dental floss. I got a similar one on the Washington Mall to remember the plight of immigrants. As we walk I'm thinking from time to time about the caravan from Central America—a pastor pilgrimage of desperation rather than by choice.

Amazing views and making our way up the 3800 ft climb. With elevation, it was a 30k first day from Saint Jean.

Elevation marker

Almost the top—amazing snow capped Pyrenees.

Beautiful descent from highest point, Col de Lepoeder, at 4000 feet.

Mass and service of blessing for pilgrims from all over the world.

In 2010, Amy and I participated in a two week course with Fuller Seminary in Orvieto. To explore the theme of pilgrimage we walked a particular place and reflected on what we saw and experienced in a poem that began “I put on pilgrim shoes...” I thought I would pursue the same theme on my experience of pilgrimage on this sabbatical.

I put on pilgrim shoes
I put on pilgrim shoes, 
Stepped off the bus
Anticipation and fear, curiosity and insecurity. Pilgrims from other places connected by adventure 
To challenge body and soul
Medieval town
Cobbled stones to gîtes, linen and jamón
Eight centuries of pilgrims 
Lighting Candles before exiting the Spain Gate.
More questions than answers.
More curious than certain.
I put on pilgrim shoes to take a risk 
and partner with Amy
To stretch and strengthen body and soul.


  1. Praying for you both! Beautiful photos! Blessings on your journey!


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