Holy Land: In the Galilee

We've been at the Sea of Galilee (or Lake TIberias) since we arrived on Tuesday. It's a very peaceful, relaxing place to begin our journey. A highlight is getting up in the morning, as Jesus did, while it is still dark and waiting for the sun to rise. As it comes up above the Golan Heights to the east, and the half moon is still bright, I'm reminded this is the same sunrise and the same lake Jesus awoke to. This was the setting for his early ministry where he called the disciples to follow him, where he taught and healed and walked.
On Wednesday we visited Caesarea where Herod built a magnificent harbor on the Mediterranean and Peter met Cornelius in Acts 10, Megiddo the sight of 25 civilizations and the reference in Revelation to Armageddon, Mount Carmel where Elijah faced the 450 prophets of Baal. Yesterday we read the stories of Jesus calling the fishermen, calming the storm and walking on water from a boat on the Sea of Galilee, and we read Psalm 93 that speaks of God being mightier than the great waters. Talked about Jesus being in our boat and giving us peace; even when we think he is asleep or disinterested, he has the power to rebuke the wind and to save us when we sink. We ended our time in scripture with singing "How Great is our God" – all will see how great, how great is our God.
We read the Sermon on the Mount on the grounds of the Church of the Beatitudes, asking God to give us a word or a verse we could make our own. Capernaum, where Jesus, Peter, Andrew, James and John lived, has intact foundations of first century homes, and the foundation of Peter's house, right on the lake. We visited the church dedicated to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes before heading west to Nazareth and Cana. Nazareth is where Jesus grew up "and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." (Luke 2:40) We prayed for children by name in our family and church for the grace of God to be upon them. We ended our day at Cana, at the Wedding Church, and renewed our vows. After praying God's blessing on our children, we prayed God's blessing on our marriages, ranging from three years to fifty-one years!
I can't get over the fact that Jesus walked here, that God used the town of Nazareth to form wisdom in his heart that resulted in parables drawn from everyday life (vineyard, builder, sower, weaver, shepherd, etc…), that the sights are so close—within walking distance for Jesus, and that we can walk with him as we journey through the Holy Land.


  1. Mike-

    So good to see pictures and hear your stories. They are so familiar to Amy and me and our trip over 10 years ago. Sounds like you are living in the moment and taking in the sights, sounds and smells of Israel.

    On the journey,

  2. praying for the children and the renewing of your vows at the Cana church was very touching. sounds like a peaceful place to contemplate, relax and renew.
    Blessings as you continue your journey,
    Doris Nelson

  3. How great to get up early and wait for the sunrise. Sounds like you are really soaking everything in, I would love to see how big the house foundations are - maybe similar to an Amor house or bigger? Are you posing at the spot where it is believed Jesus called the disciples?

  4. It brings tears to our eyes knowing that you are walking where Jesus walked. We are awestruck-- that we know you and Ami (!) and we are also on our journey of prayer and Bible reading as we read of you. May God Bless you, John and Joann


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