Paul's hometown of ancient Tarsus is mostly covered over by modern Tarsus, except for a portion of the main Roman road, Cleopatra's Gate (where she met Mark Antony) and Paul's Well, which is supposed to be the well in his childhood Jewish neighborhood. The well is 85 feet deep and still produces clean drinking water.

Paul was born here, but grew up in Jerusalem. After his training as a pharisee, his persecution of Christians and his rejection by the Christian community in Jerusalem, he returned here to Tarsus and took up his father's trade of tent making. Later, Barnabas would come to take Paul with him to Antioch.

Paul uses his freedom as a Roman citizen to travel Roman roads and to appeal to Caesar, but Paul understands his true citizenship is in heaven. Paul values his freedom as a Roman citizen, but he calls himself a slave of Christ Jesus.There is no distinction in the kingdom of God:

Ultimately his appeal takes him to Rome, where he is imprisoned in the center of the empire, just steps away from the Roman Forum.
Ironically, there in prison, in chains, Paul has the power to change human history. His influence the development of churches in Asia Minor through his partners, his letters and his witness to suffering were possible because this free citizen became a servant of Jesus.
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