Moses: When Greatness and Humility Collide (The Story: Chapter 6)

Moses is the greatest and most foundational leader of the Old Testament. Although the promise to become a great nation came through Abraham and the tribes through Jacob, scripture tells us of Moses' unique greatness--no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses--and his humility--Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 34:10 and Numbers 12:3)

What made Moses so great? Through Moses the Israelites were rescued from Egypt, gathered in their first worship space, received the law, and led through the wilderness to the promised land. 

He was a thorough leader, describing God's plan in detail so that the Israelites could be faithful to God in their worship and relationships. 

He was a resilient leader, able to withstand the pressures and critiques of his followers. He was an advocate for his people, pleading with God to be gracious to them in spite of their stubbornness and grumbling.  

He was a faithful leader, consulting with God before communicating with his people. 

What made him so humble? Moses began with humbling deficiencies: his reputation, ability to speak, and no following but sheep. 

He shared leadership with his brother Aaron and he graciously blessed Joshua to carry on his leadership. Moses accepted his disappointing future, leading his people to the edge, but not entering the promised land. Moses created no memorial tomb for himself--even at the time of the writing of his story, no one knew where he was buried. 

He pointed his people to God's greatness, even when he had the right to be bitter or resentful of his own path. I would have expected some bitterness, realizing that Joshua, not Moses would enter the promised land, and that he would die. 

But he passes on to a new generation God's great story of faithfulness and deliverance so they can learn to trust him as they enter the promised land. 

“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty. God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." (Deuteronomy 33:26–28)

What was Moses' secret? Scripture tells us Moses spoke to God face to face. God revealed himself to Moses personally and Moses had the courage to listen. 

There is an intimacy to Moses' relationship with God that no one had ever known before. It came with his calling--God promised to always be with him. 

But it took Moses entering into the tent of meeting, climbing the mountain, or hiding in the cleft of the rock to actually be in God's presence.  

When Moses is teaching God's people to choose the path of life rather than death, he offers three ways to seek God's face: Love God, Listen to his voice, hold fast to him, "for the Lord is your life." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)'

How can we seek to courageously accomplish great things, and humbly seek God's face no matter what leadership role God has called us to? 

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