Galilee: Day Three
Beth Shean is one of the Decapolis, the ten cities from which people came to follow Jesus. This is a magnificent Roman city with bathhouse, theater and public latrine.
I was reminded that day of Luke 10:
- Was this a city Jesus would have sent the 72 to in order to enter into the house, offer peace?
- It wasn't a backwater town, but a sophisticated roman town where good news could spread through communication channels like bathhouses and the marketplace.
- Also Luke 10 is about entering in, recieving hospitality, eating and drinking what is placed before us.
We entered into Nissan's mother's (imma) house and recieved this amazing gift. It was humbling, grace-filled and an honor for us all.
At the end of our time I asked Nissan to translate into Hebrew the Aaron blessing as I recited it. "The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace, now and forever more." Then I asked him to say it to us in Hebrew. We returned the blessing by singing the doxology.
Nissan proudly showed us the picture of his grandfather from Kyrgyzstan. The only picture he owned, his passport picture.
We pinched ourselves as we boarded the bus. We asked our guide Zeev if he had ever had a driver invite one of his tour groups to come to his mother's house. No. Never. Why us? Only God knows.
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