The Church as a Living Bridge

Each week in worship we bless our children.  First through sixth graders sit with parents or a trusted adult for the first 25 minutes of worship, then are dismissed with a pastoral blessing. We raise a hand or place a hand of blessing on "our" children as a way of physically extending ourselves to them. 

Last Sunday we baptized an infant. The couple professed their own faith in Jesus and committed themselves to raise their daughter in an environment where she might one day profess her own faith in Jesus. The congregation likewise committed ourselves to  come alongside the parents and the child. I've said before, "'Their' children become 'our' children."

We want to be a place where children see their parents and other adults worship God, serve the world, meet together and love each other. We want them to have an experience of the church in organized and organic ways. Our hope is that one generation would "commend the works of God to the next" (Psalm 145) as a living bridge that lasts beyond the oldest generation. 

This video is a beautiful example of one generation passing on knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. What does our living bridge look like?


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