911 Prayer

Ten years ago on September 11th terrorist attacks killed almost 3000:
·         246 people on the four planes that landed in Pennsylvania, The Pentagon, and the World Trade Center.
·         2606 in New York City in the Twin Towers and on the ground 125 at the Pentagon, 55 of which were military personnel  and 411 emergency workers who responded to the scene, including 342 firefighters, 10 paramedics, 23 NYC police officers and 37 Port Authority officers. All American citizens except for 236 from more than 90 other countries.

These are the numbers of those who died on 9/11, but the impact of 9/11 goes on. 

·              -Families who lost loved ones
·              -Military who have been service and many who have died serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan
·              -We have all been affected by increased security and the underlying threat of future attacks.
·              -The world has changed in so many ways. 

We all have our stories and memories of 9/11. We remember where we were, and many of us lost loved ones or friends, or were impacted some way.

As followers of Jesus, scripture calls us called to 

·              -Love mercy, do justice, and walk humbly with our God
·              -Trust in the lord with all our heart
·              -Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
·              -Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 

There are so many to pray for. There have been so many programs on television and articles written about the tenth anniversary. To prepare our hearts for a time of corporate prayer, I’d like you to share how you might pray for the world. I’d like you to stand, turn to one or two people near you and share one thing you’d pray for.


Let’s pray.
God we praise you as the God of Creation who brought forth order out of chaos, light out of the darkness, life out of dust. We acknowledge that you are the sovereign God who holds the world in the palm of your hand. We also know that you are the God of all compassion who comforts, knows us, and gives us hope and a future. We thank you that you are the Saving God, that in Jesus Christ you have made the way for salvation and that through him we have new and eternal life. We thank you that you are the redeeming God, who is making all things new, has the power to heal and forgive and restore. In the midst of brokenness and heartache, mourning and recovery, in the midst of war and threats of terror, we acknowledge that you are God. So, God our father we come to you by faith, responding to your invitation to ask anything. We bring to your own prayer requests, now in a time of silence.  

Thank you for hearing us God. We trust you. We praise you, we ask you to form us into a people who would bring about your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Make us a people who love mercy, do justice and who walk humbly with you.  Make us more and more into the likeness of your son, that we as a people would reflect your glory, your goodness, your faithfulness to the world. IN JESUS’ NAME. AMEN


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