Three Marathons in Nine Months: A True Story

I was thinking back to 1988, a very significant year in my life. That summer Amy and I decided to train for the Honolulu Marathon with some people from our congregation in Glendale. This was not intended to be a competitive marathon, but a friendly marathon with about 20 who wanted to get off their sedentary rears and get in shape.

The Honolulu Marathon was started by two cardiologists who wanted to test their theory that post-op heart patients could train for a marathon within a year of surgery if they trained slowly and methodically. So we trained for about six months, following a  strict schedule that increased our endurance and joining each other on Saturday mornings for group runs. 

The challenge for us was we had year old twins. Amy would feed them and get them ready for bed so that when I got home from work we would run with the boys in the twin jogging stroller. Amazingly they fell asleep as we ran, we'd put them to bed and enjoy our post-run dinner. 

We made it to Honolulu and ran/walked the 26.2 miles with our "team" from Glendale from the Aloha Tower, through Waikiki, out to Diamond Head and we finished at the park at the zoo. 

After we returned home I decided to run the Los Angeles Marathon in April. After that marathon I ran the Portland Marathon in September. Three marathons in three states in nine months. 

True Story.


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