It's Sunday night--Amy and I have arrived in England after a week with the Choir in Kiev and Moscow. We had a special time with the choir, enjoying their concerts, sharing insights, hearing their stories, laughing together and understanding more of Eastern Europe and the churches we visited.
Dan and the choir did an amazing job memorizing 20 pieces of music and adapting to all kinds of venues. People were amazed at our choir and bells. We had to remind ourselves that our choir is a called choir, not a professional choir, because they sang with such conviction, skill and energy. Their faces told the story along with music from different genres, from classical to spirituals. I turned to Dan on the last night of the concert and told him I couldn't imagine the choir and bells sounding better. I was impressed and proud they were representing Christ and our church.
Here's a few thoughts from our first time in Moscow:
The Kremlin is a walled ancient city with impressive historical buildings, but what was so surprising was the centrality of historic orthodox churches within its walls. The three orthodox churches plus the bell tower were used for baptisms, coronations, worship and weddings during the time of the czars until the Revolution. The Church of the Assumption was used as a storage facility for much of the Soviet Era, but it was not destroyed. The icons and frescoes are amazing.
We visited Red Square. It is ironic that Lenin's Tomb is directly opposite the Gum Mall, an historic (120 years old) high end three story mall, which is evidence of the new Russia. St. Basil's, Resurrection Gate and the mosaic of Jesus over the entrance to the Gum are all reminders of the 1000 history of Christianity in Russia. Again, it's amazing that these reminders of the rich Christian heritage of Russia were not destroyed under communist rule.
Alex shared with me that Martin Luther King, Jr. preached in this church in 1963 and Billy Graham preached here many times. Amy and I remember Urbana 1984 when Dr. Graham shared his enthusiasm about his recent trip to Moscow and all 20,000 of us prayed for Russia. Who would have guessed 26 years later I'd preach in the same pulpit? I thanked the congregation for their faithfulness through 71 years of communism; they faced imprisonment, fines and fear that we have never known.
The other was baptized when she was in her 30s because she didn't know if she was baptized as a child. Her grandmother was taken away because she complained one day in the food line. No one knows where she went or how she died. Another grandmother wanted to marry a KGB, but insisted they get married secretly in the Orthodox church. They were discovered, and her husband had to dispossess her of all her property.
Friday night we finished our last concert in Moscow. We sang at St. Andrew's Anglican Church. The congregation began 400 years ago when Queen Elizabeth flirted with and created an agreement with Ivan the Terrible to support trade between the two countries by providing houses of worship for the English living in Russia. The original church was burned to the ground by Napoleon as he burned the Kremlin (just a few blocks away).
The sanctuary we met in was built at the end of the 19th century, but services ceased in 1920 after the Revolution. The building was used for storage and most recently as a recording studio for Melodic Records. Services began again in 1991—71 years of not meeting during the Communist Rule. Simon is the Dean of the Church and responsible for the care of the government owned church building and manse. He also serves as the messenger to the Orthodox Patriarch for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope, and meets quarterly with President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin and four other religious leaders to discuss any tensions between Orthodox, Protestant, Buddhist, Jewish or Muslim. English speakers from all denominations attend the church, and they have a ministry of education for orphans who are post orphanage. We met people attending from Moscow, Belarus and Nigeria. There were also two couples visiting from Washington State—one of the couples knew Tom Theriault from Yakima.
The sanctuary we met in was built at the end of the 19th century, but services ceased in 1920 after the Revolution. The building was used for storage and most recently as a recording studio for Melodic Records. Services began again in 1991—71 years of not meeting during the Communist Rule. Simon is the Dean of the Church and responsible for the care of the government owned church building and manse. He also serves as the messenger to the Orthodox Patriarch for the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope, and meets quarterly with President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin and four other religious leaders to discuss any tensions between Orthodox, Protestant, Buddhist, Jewish or Muslim. English speakers from all denominations attend the church, and they have a ministry of education for orphans who are post orphanage. We met people attending from Moscow, Belarus and Nigeria. There were also two couples visiting from Washington State—one of the couples knew Tom Theriault from Yakima.
After the choir rehearsed we met in a small room off the sanctuary. I asked each person to think of the mental picture they will take back home of their experience in Budapest, Kiev and Moscow. A story they will share to illustrate how they were sent into the world to demonstration of the kingdom of God. A few responses:
That day I spoke with an orthodox priest, and Anglican dean, and a Baptist minister who have all said we need to be united around our love for Jesus. If I'm the fourth and we all agree, that's pretty good! Unity around the person of Jesus is a very precious and important thing in Russia and across the globe. I used John 17:19-22 as the text for my message that evening. As the choir sang I thought about how they demonstrate unity. They are all different, with different personalities, gifts, ages, experiences. They sing together because they follow the director who keeps them all on the same page and helps their voices actually sound beautiful. In the same way Jesus is our director and has music for us to sing so that our song is a beautiful song for the world. When we have unity Jesus says the world knows that God sent him into the world. John says No one has ever seen God but when we love one another God iives in us and his love is made complete in us. What greater witness is there to the world, yet what greater challenge do we have than unity?
I have a Ukrainian icon of Jesus in my office. It looks very much like the one I saw in the St. Andrews Church, the mosaic in Red Square and another one we saw in St. Michael the Archangel in Kiev. Now when I see my icon I will remember that we may all worship differently, but we worship the same Jesus. I'm grateful to Doug Burleigh, the former president of Young Life and longtime visitor to Russia, who encouraged us to see there is one church in Russia--the Church of Jesus Christ.
Overall it was an amazing, surprising, encouraging visit to Moscow. So what is the value of singing in Eastern Europe? I think for our choir it was a chance to get outside themselves and serve in another setting, to deal with disappointment and challenges. It was also an opportunity to get to know each other and learn each other stories by eating meals together, touring, singing, rehearsing, and serving together. The countries they visited were face to face with American Christians who demonsrate the kingdom of God by coming half way around the world to share the love of Jesus and give their very best. I believe they are encouraged by new voices, new stories of what God is doing in the world, especially in America.
Christianity has been around for 1000 years in Russia. There has been a great revival among Christians in Russia, especially through the 80s and 90s. But, like all Russians, the Russian Christians are still adapting to their newfound freedom since the collapse of communism, and they are not certain how long their freedom will last. We have so much to learn from their faithfulness and perseverance in the face of challenges we have never experienced as American Christians.
The song that keeps ringing in my head is We Are Not Alone. While the choir sang the line "We are not alone, God is with us" Barbara Tobler sang the soprano part as a lone voice in the back of the church. Her ethereal obligato soars above the choir's chant with the message of hope that the church of Jesus Christ has not been alone, that we are never alone.
We're glad we made the trip with the Choir and pray we blessed them as much as they blessed us.
Christianity has been around for 1000 years in Russia. There has been a great revival among Christians in Russia, especially through the 80s and 90s. But, like all Russians, the Russian Christians are still adapting to their newfound freedom since the collapse of communism, and they are not certain how long their freedom will last. We have so much to learn from their faithfulness and perseverance in the face of challenges we have never experienced as American Christians.
The song that keeps ringing in my head is We Are Not Alone. While the choir sang the line "We are not alone, God is with us" Barbara Tobler sang the soprano part as a lone voice in the back of the church. Her ethereal obligato soars above the choir's chant with the message of hope that the church of Jesus Christ has not been alone, that we are never alone.
We're glad we made the trip with the Choir and pray we blessed them as much as they blessed us.
Thanks for sharing all the intresting experiences with us. I've really enjoyed hearing about all of them and feel a bit like I am in the places you have written about. Hope you continue to have wonderful experiemces, relaxation,fun and grow in your fellowship with God and each other.
Doris Melson