I put on pilgrim shoes

I put on pilgrim shoes
and walk again to the hermitage
Francis' cave of retreat
perched high on Subasio
above crowds in Assisi.
I put on pilgrim shoes
Francis' shoes
among beautiful trees
peaceful breeze, birds singing
shoes that walk on Francis' path
in nature to discover
the glory of God revealed.
I put on pilgrim shoes
and walk to the tombs of Clare
and Francis among his friends
worn marble and stones
tell me as much about pilgrimage
as Clare and Francis.
I put on pilgrim shoes
with other pilgrims
sharing the journey
with laughs, ahas and gaze.


  1. Hi Mike, Enjoying following your trek from our sofa! Sounds like a great time of refreshment and study. Allie and Haley Stead leave in the morning for Spoleto to study flute, singing, and humanities until July 13th. It occurs to me now (i'm slow) how close you are to there. Their group will be giving local concerts and taking excursions including one to Assisi. They stay at the convent and have Il Clitunno hotel as a home base...if you happen to be in that neighborhood. Their blog is www.allieandhaleysbigadventure.webs.com Many more blessings on you and Amy,


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