Camino de Santiago Day Three

May 13
Day 3: Zubiri to Pamplona

We walked the Camino path along the river six hours from Zubiri to Pamplona. It rained a little, but the clouds opened up and there was sun. And then it would lightly rain again. Actually very refreshing for the Camino.

Another beautiful day walking through farms with cows, miniature ponies, geese and chickens. I'm in awe of the beauty of creation, the friendliness of locals and the pilgrims from all over the world.

We met a woman from London who is on the Camino as a life check up/balance. She belongs to a Jesuit small group that meets bi-weekly to read, share, be silent and pray together. She came alone. "I realized I don’t have community, so I joined a group. My church is small and older, and my boyfriend doesn’t go to church. I came on the Camino alone and was worried I’d be alone, but everyone is so friendly."

Graffiti on the walls to protest unemployment or have a conversation about whether the region of Navarra is of España or País Vasco.

It was an easier day of walking 13 miles—less elevation—but still the last hour was hard. I think the lactic acid build up from the first day may it tough.

We got to Pamplona, cleaned up and talked with a German couple here to serve in an albuergue as hospitaleros, volunteering for three weeks. They started the Camino in 2010 did another route in 2012 and 2014 and decided to start volunteering in the hostels.

We went to a small prayer service in a Dominican church for a song (No Turbe, a Taise song based on Teresa of Avila), scripture about Abraham leaving Home, a little sharing and prayer. The woman leading and playing guitar reminded us of the inner journey of the Camino and the need to share our experiences with others.

We ate at Café Oruña—another place Hemingway slept? Walked? Ate?


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